Thursday, 31 May 2012

Term 2 Week 6

On Monday Miss R was away learning some new things.  We had Mrs M for the day.

We built landforms in the sandpit.  Then we tested if the landforms change when the wind blows or when it rains.  Here is what we discovered.

It blew half of the sand off the landforms. Brody S
When you blow it, it makes a hole. Mackenzie
It makes bumps.  Deagan

When it rains it shrinks and the sand goes off it.  Chloe
It goes all soggy.  Meaghan
It makes a hole in the mountain.  Hamish

This week we hunted for ten facts.  A fact is something that is true.  So ten facts are numbers that add up to 10.  If we can learn our ten facts we can solve all sorts of number problems.

We used 10 counters that had a red side and a blue side.  We dropped the ten counters and then counted how many were red and how many were blue.  If we had 6 blue counters and 4 red counters we had found the ten fact 6+4=10.  We discovered 11 different ways to make the number 10.

We worked with a partner to build numbers using tens and ones.  Miss R thinks we are doing a great job with place value.

On Thursday we had a creation morning.  We had to decide what we were going to make and what we would make it from.  After we had finished planning our creation we got to make it.  We used lots of different things to make our creations.  We used paint, paper, playdough and blocks.  It was great fun.

Yesterday we talked about all the different ways we use water.  We all drew a picture of a way we use water.

We are all looking forward to this weekend because it is a super long weekend.  We get to stay at home on Saturday, Sunday, Monday and Tuesday!  So next week will be a super short week, and a busy one.

Make sure you keep an eye on our publishing blog.  There is some great examples of our landform models from last week.


  1. Anonymous01 June, 2012

    Hi Year Ones! Wow, it sounds like you had a busy week. I agree with Miss R and think you are doing a great job with place value. I am also very impressed that you are blogging. Maybe my Fantastic Fives and Super Sixes should give it a try! Great work! From Mrs Izzy

  2. Anonymous01 June, 2012

    Awesome work. Hope Miss R enjoyed the PD.

    Mrs J

  3. Anonymous03 June, 2012

    Hi Yr1's
    Your landforms look a bit like the landscapes we've been seeing in the Kimberley - but the sand and rocks a very red. We have seen how water has slowly changed the shapes of the rocks and how big the rivers are. We were also able to fly in the little mail plane and we could see where the Pentecost River reached the sea near Wyndham. Kate Mc :)

  4. Anonymous07 June, 2012

    Hi Year Ones,
    I hope you enjoyed your extra long weekend.
    I love your playdough landform models, they all look fantastic :)

    Mrs B (Deagan's Mum)

    P.S Myself and Mr B loved your assembly item.

  5. Anonymous08 June, 2012

    11 different ways to make the number 10 ! you sure are Miss R's wonderful ones, clever clever. We love the way you used your imaginations to create as well year ones, keep up the great work.
    Ashies mum & dad

  6. Anonymous11 June, 2012

    "Please can I come to school again you all have so much fun." Matty's Nanna Ruby
