On Sunday we had a pet mass. We brought our pets along so Father Dom could bless them. This is a photo of Miffy being blessed. The pets were all very well behaved.
We can now test ourselves on our sight words. If we get them all right we can get tested by Miss D and move up the rainbow.
We painted some aboriginal flags. The black symbolises the people. The yellow symbolises the sun. The red symbolises the land.
We have been talking about the dreamtime. The dreamtime is when the aboriginals believe that the Earth was created. The aboriginals believe that the rainbow serpent slithered all over the land and made all the hills and rivers and landforms.
We had a number line and we had to stand behind it so we couldn't see the numbers. Then we had to use what we know about numbers to put the peg on the right spot.
We learnt that the aboriginal people didn't have shops to buy food. They had to hunt and gather. The girls did the gathering and the boys did the hunting. So we pretended that we were aboriginals. The boys went hunting and the girls went gathering.
We couldn't go hunting and gathering for real food so we went hunting and gathering pictures of food that aboriginal people might have eaten. There was lots of interesting things they ate.
When we got back to class Miss R let us try some real aboriginal food. Some of us were brave enough to try the witchetty grubs! Some were brave enough to try the kangaroo and some were even brave enough to try the snake!
Just kidding! Only one of the foods was real, the other two were pretend. The witchetty grubs were really baby food. The kangaroo was real and the snakes were lolly snakes! Miss R was very impressed with how brave we were to try them when we thought they were real!
Today was Grandparents Day. Our grandparents came to visit our classroom. We showed them around the room and showed them all the fantastic work we have been doing. It was lovely having them come and visit.
Thank you grandparents!